Brose, the internationally operating supplier for the automotive industry, entrusted the intra-logistics specialist SSI Schaefer, Giebelstadt, with the design, planning, and turn-key building of a modern logistics complex for their manufacturing plant in Koprivnice, Czech Republic.As Partner of the international automotive industry, Brose supplies around 80 automotive brands and more than 30 subcontractors with mechatronic systems and electric motors. About 21.000 employees are working at 53 locations in 23 countries. The new logistics concept at the location Koprivnice allows for highly automated in-house solutions in logistics.Within the scope of supply and services of the systems supplier SSI Schaefer are one automated high-bay warehouse (HBW) and one automatic miniload storage system that form the backbone of material supply in production. With about 9.700 storage positions, the rack-supported HBW offers space for storing Euro pallets and lattice boxes. With single-deep telescope load handling devices five one-mast storage and retrieval machines (SRM) of the type “Exyz” take care of energy efficient storage and retrieval. The miniload has about 23.500 tote storage positions and provides for single- and multiple-deep storage by way of seven SRMs with carton gripping load handling devices from the family of established Schaefer Miniload Cranes (SMC).The new concept allots slugs to transport material to production. Extensive pallet and tote conveyor systems, automatic depalletizing, repacking stations, as well as a loading station for the slugs directly linked to the miniload complete the innovative design. As far as warehouse management and controls are concerned, SSI Schaefer provides for an extended material flow system of the entire facility as well as an interface-free connection to the SAP system with the SAP EWM module.With the automation, Brose not only achieves a significant increase of supply guarantee and a reduction of logistic costs. With the realized solution, the automotive supplier further profits by more robust and transparent supply processes. With this project SSI Schaefer once again emphasizes their leading role in complex system solutions for the automotive industry.