Schaefer Systems International has just opened their Tech Centre at its offices in Tuas, Singapore, at an investment cost of close to S$1m. The purpose of the centre is to show-case the company’s range of piece picking technologies, which can be integrated with conventional storage systems to help increase efficiency in the warehouse.
With the industry seeking ways to take cost out of the supply chain, Schaefer is highlighting the warehouse picking activities as a target market. Traditionally, the standard practice to increase picking operations had been to add more low cost labour.
However, this will never solve the long-term problem. By rationalizing the time taken by an operative to make a pick, it can be seen that movement, location and recognition of the pick can take up to 80% of the time spent. If this non-productive time can be vastly reduced, then picks per hour can be doubled or tripled.
Using RF picking, Pick to Light or Pick to voice technology will reduce location and recognition. With the introduction of conveyors and goods-to-man storage systems with ergonomic picking stations, movement is decreased and productivity increases of up to 600% to 700% are possible.
These systems, apart from increasing the picks per hour or lowering staffing levels, will simultaneously improve the accuracy of the operation to virtually zero errors. At the same time, it is also possible to reduce the footprint of the required storage area, with further cost savings.
SSI’s Regional Director Brian Miles stated, “Our clients are always seeking ways to reduce the cost of their warehouse operations. Simple reduction in cost is no longer an option, as most storage systems have very little value-added cost, as a large proportion of the cost is steel. However, we believe that by the introduction of a higher degree of piece and case picking technology within the warehouse, real savings can be made in staffing and operational levels.”
Our objective in planning this centre is to let our customers see and test at first hand, concepts we are proposing. We have called this Integrated Storage Solutions (ISS), where a combination of storage systems with picking and conveying technology can provide an optimum solution and offer companies an excellent ROI (return on investment).
Adjacent to the Tech Centre we have installed the Logimat, a high density Vertical Storage system which brings the goods to the picker via a mini crane and steel tray. A user-friendly touch screen with a pointer highlights the exact part to be retrieved. Similar in concept to the Vertical carousel, the Logimat allows trays to be set at levels to suit the height of the product on the shelf, maximizing storage utilization. It is also available with longer and deeper shelves which carry higher loads.
Also exhibited is the Schaefer Orbiter system, which can provide high density storage for full pallet loads of homogenous product with either FILO (first in last out) or FIFO first in first out options. With its patented docking station, the orbiter can be safely and simply moved from channel to channel. The Orbiter is available in 2 versions: an in-rack power supply for the high activity distribution centre working 24/7; or the battery version, where the operation is limited to 1-2 shifts.
Finally we have the Mobile Pallet racking system, which can double the number of pallets stored in an area, yet still providing 100% pallet selectivity or “zoned case picking”.
Mr Miles added, “Obviously 2012 with the Euro crisis, and the general weakness of the US market will seriously affect countries which are heavily reliant on exports, however I am confident that Asia will bounce back, as in 2009, stronger and in better shape. Logistics Directors are now realizing that low cost labour is not the long-term solution, and are now embarking on upgrading their facilities.”
Our centre is open to any visitors: be it manufacturers, 3PL operators, end users, students reading Logistics Programs, or, in fact, to everyone. Simply give us a call on +65-6863-0168, and ask to make an appointment.